Experience Handpan

Innersound Handpan

Since every tuner has his or her own „fignerprint“, the very same pitch can have a very different timbre on instruments made by different tuners. Here at Innersound, we love a slightly muted, warm, and meditative sound. This tone quality is what makes handpans instruments so unique. We make all of our instruments independently in our small Berlin based workshop.

We make all of our instruments independently in our small Berlin based workshop. Every touch creates a sound. You can even create and play with notes in between the tone fields, on the back and around the gu (round opening).

We conjure up beautiful moods with our Innersound instruments by using various tunings and tonalities. Visit us in Berlin and let yourself be touched by the sound of an Innersound Handpan.

The instruments in our showroom are available for immediate purchase.

We will need to make any scales that are currently not in stock in the showroom. Tunings that are currently not available can be produced on request.

There are many Innersound videos on YouTube; let yourself be inspired by the varying tonalities.

Aside from the fact that every pitch must be accurately tuned to 440 Hz (on request also on 432 Hz), the various undertones and overtones must also be considered.

It is the same idea as a “well tempered piano.” In addition to the fact that each tuner has his or her own “signature” when tuning, it is also up to the tuner to what extent he allows slight tone cross-overs, parallel overtones and slight dissonances. These allowances ultimately make the meditative sound that makes the instrument so irresistible and gives it its “soul.”

Handpan tonalities

There are countless tonalities that we can create on a Handpan . It is important, of course, that all of the notes fit together. There are scales. Many of them are pentatonic, or scales with only five tones. It does not matter which scale you have. The main thing is that you like it. Also, it does not matter how many pitches are on the Handpan. You can just play.

There are traditional tunings from distant countries. For example, Melog Selisir and Ake Bono are from Asia and Hijas and Puvri are from Arabia.

D minor, E minor etc. are scalesthat are more familiar to us in the West.
Additionally, you can change the order of the pitches in a key to change the feeling.
For example, D minor in the model “Pandora”:
D / A, Bb, D, E, F, G, A, C
D minor in the model “Storia”:
D / A, Bb, C, D, E, F, A

We havenamed the different tunings and arrangements of tones.
E minor with eight notes is called, for example, “Sonoro”
D minor with nine tones is called “Pandora”
D minor played by Storia on YouTube is called “Storia”

There are even customers who come up with their own wonderful tunings, which we are happy to custom build.

We regularly build the following tunings:

Sonoro (D minor with 8 notes) D / A, Bb, d, E, F, G, A
Pandora (9-note D minor) D / A, Bb, d, E, F, G, A, C
Waples D / A, C, D, E, F, G, A, Bb
Phenomenon D / A, Bb, C, D, E, F, G, A
Storia D / A, Bb, C, D, E, F, G
D minor pentatonic (Dante / Fanfare) D / A, C, D, F, G, A, C

Harmony D / A, C, F#, A, G, D, B
C-minor C / G, G#,C, D, D#, F, G
Om C# Minor 432hz C# / G#, A, C#, Eb, E, F#, G#
Melog Selisir F / A, Bb, C, E, F, A, Bb, C
Ake Bono G / C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, C, D

Aeolean A / D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C, D
Aeolian transposed D / A, D, E, F, G, A, C
Masterpice Arabic C# / C#, D, F, F#, G#, A, C#
Materpice Alegria C# / G#, B, C#, D, F, F#, G#
Hijaz A / D, Eb, F#, G, A, Bb, C, D
Nada Brahma (F-minor) F / Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, Ab, Bb, C
Resonacia (G-minor) D / G, A, Bb, D, Eb, F, G

Try out an instrument

By prior arrangement you can visit us and try out the Handpans yourself. Contact us to arrange an appointment.